SERIES – Relics

March 2021




Styles Of The Past, Symbols Of Today

This is your chance to own a truly unique collectible that no one has ever seen before. Our first-ever series, RELICS, features each of the Guild Signets on ABU-style frames and text. But that’s not all. This series would not be complete without including the most-important relic in EDH, Arcane Signet!

FREE for our Patrons


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Card Back

RELICS – Non Foil

Izzet Signet

Simic Signet

Dimir Signet

Azorius Signet

Orzhov Signet

Selesnya Signet

Golgari Signet

Gruul Signet

Rakdos Signet

Boros Signet

Arcane Signet

Arcane Signet SL

Card Back

How To Get Series: RELICS

Patrons in Tiers T3-PREMIUM can get RELICS by completing the form below.

IMPORTANT: Your C4C cards will be sent to the mailing address that matches the Patron Tag/Name that is provided to us through Patreon. Please do not include any alternative mailing addresses in your selection details– cards will not be sent to any mailing address outside of our patron list. Patrons may make 1 submission per month, unless otherwise stated.

Your Request is In!!! Thank you for supporting Core 4 Collectibles!

Your request has been sent and will be fulfilled and shipped on the first business day of the new month following the month that you are currently subscribed in. IMPORTANT NOTE: C4C is not available to everyone. If the Patron ID/Tag does not match the information in our Patron list, then it will not be fulfilled. Our patrons are the only ones who can receive our free collectibles.

Want to be a patron? Support us and get RELICS today!

Visit our Patreon