May 2021

Magic Meets Metal

Here is your chance to own these special “remastered” versions of classic staples. Our third series, CLASSICS, features twenty foil and non-foil favorites on old-style frames.

Some have extended-art into the text box. Some have special “metallic” artwork. Be the first in your group to own a FOIL METALLIC SOL RING and FOIL METALLIC COUNTERSPELL.

FREE for our Patrons

CLASSICS – Foil & Non Foil

OUT (more coming soon…)

OUT (more coming soon…)

Full-Art Sol Ring (dark)

Full-Art Sol Ring (red)

Metallic Sol Ring

Metallic Counter Spell

Llanowar Elves (elf girl)

Fyndhorn elves (elf girl)

Chrono Cross Island (A)

Chrono Cross Island (B)

Chrono Cross Island (C)

Chrono Cross Island (D)

Final Fantasy VII Plains (A)

Final Fantasy VII Plains (B)

Final Fantasy VII Plains (C)

Final Fantasy VII Plains (D)

Legend of Zelda Forest (A)

Legend of Zelda Forest (B)

Legend of Zelda Forest (C)

Legend of Zelda Forest (D)

Card Back